Children’s Behavioral Checklist
Children can face all kinds of stress and confusion, from emotional and behavioral problems to learning disabilities. Parkridge Valley has put together this simple checklist to track your child’s behavioral patterns. Take a week to track the signs and symptoms shown below. If your child shows one or more of these signs in any given category, it may be their cry for help.
School Problems
•Low motivation
•Poor grades
•Poor study habits
•Poor conduct
•Inability to concentrate
Home Problems
•Doesn’t follow parental directions
•Runaway behaviors
•Argumentative with authority
•Demonstrates violent outbursts/aggression
•Change in mood
•Change in appetite
•Change in sleep patterns
•Change in school and /or work habits
•Suicidal statements/ hopelessness
Child Abuse
•Sexual acting out
•Change in behaviors/ mood
•Fears of staying with particular people
Dangerous Behaviors
•Fire setting
•Using drugs or alcohol
•Physical aggression
•Self-destruction/ mutilating acts
•Threatening others
•Animal torture
Large Motor checklist
- walks down steps alternating feet
- runs with control over speed and direction
- jumps up and lands on two feet
- hops on one foot
- throws, catches, and kicks ball
- climbs up and down climbing equipment
- moves legs and feet in rhythm to beat
- moves arms and hands in rhythm to beat
Small Motor checklist
- shows hand preference (which is _______ )
- turns with hand easily (for example knobs, lids, eggbeaters)
- pours liquid into glass without spilling
- unfastens and fastens zippers, buttons, Velcro
- picks up and inserts objects with ease (i.e. puzzles, shape sorters)
- uses drawing/writing tools with control
- uses scissors with control
- pound in nails with control
Children’s Social Competence Checklist
I. Individual Traits. The child:
- Is usually in a positive mood.
- Usually comes to the program willingly.
- Usually copes with rebuffs or other disappointments adequately.
- Shows interest in others.
- Shows the capacity to empathize.
- Displays the capacity for humor.
- Does not seem to be acutely lonely.
II. Social Skills. The child usually:
- Interacts nonverbally with other children with smiles, waves, nods, etc.
- Expects a positive response when approaching others.
- Expresses wishes and preferences clearly; gives reasons for actions and positions.
- Asserts own rights and needs appropriately.
- Is not easily intimidated by bullying.
- Expresses frustrations & anger effectively, without escalating disagreements or harming others.
- Gains access to ongoing groups at play and work.
- Enters ongoing discussion on a topic; makes relevant contributions to ongoing activities.
- Takes turns fairly easily.
- Has positive relationships with one or two peers; shows the capacity to really care about them and miss them if they are absent.
- Has "give-and-take" exchanges of information, feedback, or materials with others.
- Negotiates and compromises with others appropriately.
- Is able to maintain friendship with one or more peers, even after disagreements.
- Does not draw inappropriate attention to self.
- Accepts and enjoys peers and adults who have special needs.
- Accepts and enjoys peers and adults who belong to ethnic groups other than his or her own.
III. Peer Relationships. The child:
- Is usually accepted versus neglected or rejected by other children.
- Is usually respected rather than feared or avoided by other children.
- Is sometimes invited by other children to join them in play, friendship, and work.
- Is named by other children as someone they are friends with or like to play and work with.
IV. Adult Relationships. The child:
- Is not excessively dependent on adults.
- Shows appropriate response to new adults, as opposed to extreme fearfulness or indiscriminate approach.
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